Thank you for choosing a donation to help make our community stronger, spirit, mind, and body. At the Albany Area YMCA we believe in our community, and we know that through community support we can do amazing things. Things like providing meals to our healthcare workers during the COVID19 pandemic and providing meals to our community through our United Way partnership; things like providing the opportunity for a child to participate in summer camp, afterschool, swimming, or youth sports; or things like providing a senior or a family the ability to use our YMCA facilities for a reduced fee. Donate today, and help us make our community better.
Your dollars can be designated in two ways, through our Annual Support Campaign, which goes directly to funding scholarships for our different areas of focus, such as membership, childcare, youth sports, and aquatics, or through our General Contributions campaign, which is designed for donations with specific facility repairs or improvements in mind. Other uses for this donation section is to designate a donation to a specific area of the facility, such as childcare, fitness, aquatics, youth sports, or building/grounds, or for donations made in honor of a loved one. Select which area of focus matters the most to you, and then make your donation, knowing that your funds go to fund projects that help not only our YMCA, but our community, grow and thrive.
If you are an organization that would like to be an Annual Sponsor, please click here to download the details. All funds raised through our Annual Sponsor program go directly into our Annual Support Campaign.